Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Already Nostalgic About Tiago Splitter

I have a friend who falls for every girl he meets. He can recount unrequited infatuation with the poetic eloquence of a tormented heart. I'm sure he lays awake at night thinking of the ones who got away, the ones who would love him if only they would know him. I feel for him, but I'm only so sympathetic. Aside from not having the girl, he's got it all together. Good looking, fabulously wealthy, well-traveled, and primed to settle into a nice little career in medicine. It's a mystery to me why women don't flock to him.

In my own way, I empathize. I've been dragging my heels to post this, mostly out of self-pity. Tau Ceramica beat DKV Joventut the other night. Tiago Splitter, who had been down with injury, "dominated" with 21 and 12.

So, it's like that.


To hell with smart surfaces.

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